Agenda and minutes

West Devon Hub Committee - Tuesday, 9th April, 2024 2.00 pm

Venue: Chamber - Kilworthy Park

Contact: Email: [email protected] 

No. Item

*HC 68/23

Apologies for absence


*HC 68/23        

An apology for absence had been received from Cllr Moody, who joined the meeting online in a non-voting capacity.


*HC 69/23

Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, Members are invited to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registerable Interests and Non-Registerable Interests including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting;


*HC 69/23        

Members were invited to declare any interests in the items of business to be discussed but there were none made.


*HC 70/23

Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 315 KB

Minutes of meeting held 5 March 2024


*HC 70/23        

The Minutes of the Hub Committee meeting held on 5 March 2024 were confirmed as a correct record.


*HC 71/23

Public Questions - a period of up to 15 minutes is available to deal with issues raised by the public


*HC 71/23        

It was noted that no Public Questions had been received in accordance with the Hub Committee Procedure Rules.


*HC 72/23

Hub Committee Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 384 KB


*HC 72/23        

Members were presented with the latest version of the Hub Committee Forward Plan that set out items on the agenda for Hub Committee meetings for the next four months and the contents were duly noted.


*HC 73/23

The West Devon Housing Offer pdf icon PDF 397 KB


*HC 73/23        

The Hub Committee considered a report that sought approval for the implementation of a new housing initiative to support the delivery of community housing development in the Borough, known as the “West Devon Housing Offer”.


The report also set out the progress made on the Princetown site jointly owned by the Council and DNPA.


During the ensuing debate, reference was made to:


a)    Setting up of Community Land Trusts. The Head of Housing advised that setting up of these community led trusts would be supported and money would be available, and the report set out how this could be achieved.


b)    Self builds would not be discounted at this stage and the Head of Housing suggested anyone interested should speak to the Council.


c)    The Head of Housing hoped that the Housing Offer would work with Neighbourhood Plans to achieve affordable housing where it was needed.


d)    The Housing Needs Survey and Parish profiles had identified specific areas of need. A Council owned brown field site in the north of the area was queried as a potential site but other options were also being considered.


e)    It was noted that any scheme would stop at any point where it was deemed no longer viable.


f)     a Member sought clarity regarding recommendation 4 which, as worded, implied that there were additional affordable housing Schemes approved by DNPA, when only the Princetown scheme had in fact received approval. As a result, an amendment to the recommendation was proposed and seconded such that the Hub Committee:


“4.   Agrees to utilise a grant payment from DNPA s106 receipts of £173,000 for the purpose of affordable housing delivery in Princetown”


It was then:




1.    that the West Devon Housing Offer be launched to communities to support affordable housing delivery;


2.    that the initial budget of £50,000 agreed as part of The Council Plan to fund the West Devon Housing Offer be noted;


3.    that the update and progress on the Princetown scheme at Moorland View be noted; and


4.    that a grant payment from DNPA s106 receipts of £173,000 be utilised for the purpose of affordable housing delivery in Princetown.


*HC 74/23

Working with our Communities - Our Framework for Community Development pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Additional documents:


*HC 74/23        

Members considered a report that set out the ways in which the Council intended to support community development across West Devon.


In discussion, the following points were raised:


a)     The Parish Links meetings would be re-established. All Members would be encouraged to get the message out to their Town and Parishes..


b)     Community Development cut across all portfolio areas


c)      Benefit on the economy of communities with arts and culture.


d)     The Community Development Framework and formation of a specific team was welcomed by Members.


e)     A Community Advisory Group would be convened to gather ideas from Members to inform a more in-depth strategic plan for Community Development and Engagement.



It was then:




1.    that the Community Development Framework as set out in Appendix A of the presented report, be endorsed; and


2.    that the establishment of a new Community Development Team be noted


*HC 75/23

Long Stay Pay and Display Charges Consultation Review pdf icon PDF 364 KB

Additional documents:


*HC 75/23        

Consideration was given to a report that provided Members with an update on the recently held consultation regarding a series of proposed amendments to the West Devon Borough Council Off Street Parking Places Order 2022. The report also sought approval for the amendments to be implemented.


In discussion, particular reference was made to:-


a)     The majority of objections to the consultation were from Tavistock. It was felt that it could be due to the recent issues generated around the on-street parking.


b)     It was felt that Devon County Members should be copied into any future consultation responses to future proposals from Devon County Council for on-street parking charges and ask them to pursue DCC to ensure a response was given.


It was then:




1.    that the results of the statutory public consultation be noted;


2.    that the following amendments to the West Devon Borough Council (Off-Street Parking Places) (Variation No.1) Order 2022 be approved:-


i. the Pay and Display charges be amended in accordance with Appendix A of the presented agenda report;


ii.     Abbey car park be changed from a 4-hour maximum stay to a 6-hour maximum stay car park; and


iii. Brentor car park and Lydford car park be removed from the West Devon Borough Council (Off Street Parking Places) Order 2022; and


3.    that the lead Hub Committee Member for People and Communities write to Devon County Council to request that the Council is proactively consulted on any future proposed changes to the on-street parking in Tavistock or Okehampton to ensure that these can be considered by the Council in relation to the economic impact on the respective towns.