
 Registered training

  • 31/05/2023 - Safeguarding; An introduction to safeguarding, helping Councillors to support vulnerable people they come across in the course of their work.
  • 23/05/2023 - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); An introduction to GDPR and how it affects your role as a councillor
  • 23/05/2023 - Health and Safety; An introduction to the council's health and safety policies, incliuding using screens safely and lone working.
  • 16/05/2023 - The Planning Process: Part 1; An introduction to planning in West Devon and the Councils's role in managing development throughout the Borough.
  • 16/05/2023 - The Planning Process: Part 2; A more detailed look at planning in West Devon, including conservation and listed buildings, neighbourhood plans and the Joint Local Plan