Agenda and minutes

South Hams Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 4th August, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Repton Room - Follaton House. View directions

Contact: Email: [email protected] 

No. Item


Declaration of Interests

Members are invited to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests; they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting;



Members and officers were invited to declare any interests in the items of business to be considered during the course of the meeting.  There were none.



Application to vary the Premises Licence of The Albert Inn, Totnes pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:



The Sub-Committee considered a report that sought to determine an application for a variation to the premises licence at The Albert Inn, Totnes


The Licensing Specialist introduced the report and outlined the details of the application (as stated in the application form at Appendices A(i), A(ii), B(i), B(ii), C, D, E, F, G, and H of the presented agenda report).  The Licensing Specialist reminded the Sub-Committee that its decision had to be based upon the four licensing objectives.


Following clarification, sale of alcohol four times a year to set up a little bar outside, with sitting anytime. 


1.         Address by the Applicant


Two Letters of Representation had been withdrawn on clarification of the parking lot, and another one had been received in support from CamRA.  It was confirmed that the sale of alcohol in the bar outside would be for four times per year when the pub would be having beer festivals.  These events had occurred in the past but had previously been covered by applying for TEN (Temporary Event Notice) applications.


A smoking area in the garden had been constructed to stop people standing and smoking on the public pathways.  Covid impact would continue the increased use of the garden, however, no heaters had been placed out in the garden so that drinkers would not be encouraged to remain outside when it got cold.  It was confirmed that the fence and smoking area already had signage asking patrons to show respect for the neighbours.  Any noisy disruptive customers would be asked to be quieter, noted in the diary, and if continued the customer would be refused service.


The applicant clarified that he had to check with the internet to discern when dusk was each day and he would prefer consistent time defined.


2.         Address by objectors


The objector highlighted that noise was an issue for him as his living room was the same level as the outside space.  He maintained that no real action was taken when the noise had been claimed about and that it sometimes appeared as if there were ‘fisticuffs’ in his living room.


3.         Address by supporters


The supporters maintained that the applicant had been amenable to solving issues raised with him and that any transgressions in the beer garden were quickly resolved.  Most in the vicinity were in support of the application and concurred that the noise was not excessive.


A question was asked of the applicant if he would be willing to compromise and close the garden at 10:00 pm.  The applicant agreed this would be acceptable for the winter months, but would prefer 11:00pm for the summer months.  The applicant suggested summer months as 1st April to 31st October as his Halloween beer festival was on 31st October.


(The Sub Committee then adjourned, in the presence of the Lawyer, at 10:48 am to consider the application and reconvened at 11:07am.)



4.         The Decision


In announcing the Sub-Committee decision, the following statement was read:  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12/21