Agenda and minutes

West Devon Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 23rd August, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Meeting Room 3 - Kilworthy Park. View directions

Contact: Email: [email protected] 

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman



It was RESOLVED that;

That Cllr Yelland be appointed Chairman for the duration of the Sub-Committee meeting.



Declarations of Interest

In accordance with the Code of Conduct, Members are invited to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registerable Interests and Non-Registerable Interests including the nature and extent of such interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting;



There were no interests declared by Members of the Committee.




Application for a new Premises Licence at Eversfield Manor Cottages, Bratton Clovelly pdf icon PDF 303 KB

Additional documents:



The Sub Committee considered an application for the granting of a new premises licence at Eversfield Manor Cottages, Bratton Clovelly. The Applicant, Mr McNelis, was not present, but his agent Mr Stockbridge was present.


The Licensing Officer proceeded to present the application and the content of the report. He reported that there had been a number of relevant representations received, both against and in favour of the Application.  The objections to the Application had raised concerns about all four Licensing Objectives, but in particular the prevention of public nuisance due to noise and public safety due to the condition of the access road.  Those in support referred to the premises being an asset to local area and those making the representation had not been disturbed by noise from the premises.  The Licensing Officer said no representation had been received by Environmental Health as at the time of the application being made they had not received any complaints. He added that a noise report from one of the objectors and comments by the Applicant responding to some of the objections had been received as late submissions.


Finally, the Licensing Officer highlighted the plan attached to the Application.


Mr Stockbridge made representations in support of the Application.  He said  the established holiday lets had not received any complaints until the application for the premises licence was made. He confirmed the bookings system would be controlled in-house rather than through an agency so as to monitor the groups of people making the booking. He stated all music after 11pm would be held in solid buildings with windows closed. Sound monitoring equipment would be installed and should the sound go above the levels permitted the music would be shut down. He stated the applicant had withdrawn the request for music to 2am.


Upon the conclusion of his presentation, the Sub-Committee asked Mr Stockbridge about the details of the Application.  Mr Stockbridge explained that banquets could be booked by guests during their stays. The applicant would also like to put on oriental banquets for people in the village to attend. The letting season is mainly in the summer and to supplement income the applicant hoped to continue to hold banquets. Currently this can happened up until 11pm without the need for a licence.


Having previously said that he would be asking Mr Stockbridge about the plan that was part of the Application, the Monitoring Officer explained what the statutory requirements were that a plan had to meet.  The Monitoring Officer then took Mr Stockbridge through each of the requirements and invited Mr Stockbridge to explain how the plan met those requirements or to say what the intention was.  Mr Stockbridge explained that the plan was supplemented by a number of further plans that had been submitted due to the size of the premises and the impracticability of showing them at a scale of 1:100.  He then explained the various areas and that the plan was intended to be an overarching plan and he had  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.