Committee details

South Hams Licensing Committee

Purpose of committee

The Licensing Committee consists of twelve District Councillors, appointed annually by Full Council.


The Committee meets at least once a year but can meet more regularly if required.


The full list of functions and procedure rules for Licensing Committee can be found in our Constitution Delegation Scheme (see Our Constitution). The main responsibility is to oversee the Council’s licensing functions. They determine whether to grant or refuse licences for alcohol, premises, Hackney carriage and private hire vehicles, street trading and zoo licences, among others.


Members of the public can speak in support of or object to a licence application. For full details, please see Public Participation at Licensing Committee meetings.


Licensing Sub Committee


Meetings of the Licensing Sub Committee consist of any three members from the full Licensing Committee. They are arranged on an ad-hoc basis, as and when they are required to determine licences for alcohol, entertainment and a whole host of other areas.


Contact information

Support officer: Email: [email protected].